Campaign for St James’s Piccadilly charity show garden at RHS Chelsea 2024


RHS Chelsea Flower Show


Truda and Elspeth



Collective Wisdom team members Truda Spruyt and Elspeth Osman-Allu worked on this campaign to raise awareness of St James’s ‘Imagine the World to be Different’ show garden at RHS Chelsea Flower Show

Truda and Elspeth shared the important social and environmental work of this Piccadilly church while reaching new audiences to encourage donations. Truda’s PR campaign had an estimated reach of 357,744,698 with highlights including feature pieces on both BBC and ITV London news, and BBC Radio’s Sunday Worship as well as BBC TV’s Songs of Praise. Interviews with spokespeople ranged from Women’s Weekly to The Guardian. Elspeth set up a Google Ads campaign to make the most of increased interest in Chelsea in the run-up to the show; ads were seen nearly 5,000 times and had a high click through rate of 12.5%. In addition, developed a comprehensive social media strategy creating relevant and engaging content which generated 40,500 impressions (many from non-followers), saw a 38% increase in web visitors referred from social channels in May (compared to the previous month) and saw a 500% increase in reach across social channels in the week of Chelsea.