The Booker Prizes – building a prestige literary brand


Booker Prize


Truda, Stephen, Lisa



Truda worked with the Booker Prizes for 22 years, with particular responsibility for launching and building the profile for the International Booker, which is credited with helping to grow the popularity of translated fiction, particularly among younger audiences.

For the 2022 Booker Prize, the focus was on growing the quality and range of the coverage, with the first in-person winner ceremony since the pandemic.
At each stage of the prize media coverage firsts were achieved – from in-depth feature interviews at longlist stage to preview coverage of ceremony innovations. The combination of star guests – Her Majesty the Queen Consort in her first appearance in the new role and Dua Lipa – helped secure coverage in publications from The Sun to Tatler, all focusing on the key message of their love of reading. doubled The circulation of the winner coverage doubled to 775m and longlist circulation increased by 70%.

Lisa has managed a number of events for the prizes and Stephen is still responsible for visual content creation.


“Truda and her team are superb to work with: knowledgeable, capable, committed and pleasant. They command a respect within the publishing industry – among other areas of culture – that is well-deserved. Our decades-long collaboration was fantastically fruitful.”
Gaby Wood, Chief executive, The Booker Prizes